Well, it's Friday............my "do anything I want to do" day! I look forward to Fridays! Today I am going to be working on some Christmas string blocks. I have quite a few Christmas fabrics and so I am doing some Christmas strings for a small swap. Here is a pic of 2 of them which I have not trimmed yet. Hmmm..........the picture seems to be a bit dark.........sorry about that!

I have also still been making coasters. I cut loads of 4 1/2" squares to make coasters, so I am still trying to get all those made. I hope to make a set for each of my co-workers by Christmas..........44 sets of coasters. I should probably make at least 2 sets each week to be sure that I get them all made. They are easy and very useful.

My husband's mom is in the hospital in Bonham with pnuemonia. She is 89 years old and not doing well. Several years ago, she had an episode where she mistakenly drank some Pine-Sol thinking it was apple juice and very nearly did not pull through. It left her lungs quite scarred and pnuemonia is the last thing she needs. We went to Bonham last night and will be going back tonight or tomorrow. DH is having a very hard time with this and I feel so sorry for him. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
On a lighter note.........I am LOVING this cold weather we are having! I just wish we would get some snow. Snuggling under a quilt in cold weather is the best!
Okay, off to sew some! Make it a great day!
I really love the coasters you made me, and we use them daily. I even washed them a few times and they look great. Hopefully we can see each other at the quilt show in March.
I love the string blocks Jan. I have been itching to make a string quilt myself. Oh, thanks for visiting my blog - I didn't know you had one too. Will add you to my favorites. :o)
My mum had pneumonia last year - nasty ! Hope your mil is better soon. I've never made string blocks but maybe one day ?
Thanks, Debi! I do enjoy making them and they make wonderful little gifts. I hope we see each other before March. :)
Thanks, Myra! I have become quite addicted to string quilts and even have my 12 year old grandaughter working on blocks when she is here.
Hi Andrea! My MIL is doing a lot better today after getting started on some IV antibiotics rather than the oral one she was on. Her potassium was quite low too so that was contributing to her not feeling good also. We were a bit concerned at first because Dr.#1 didn't seem to want to treat her. Got a new doctor who did something and she is much better.
String blocks are quite addictive, I think. I have a whole pile of them and still making more. :)
YOur string blocks are so pretty--aren't they fun!!! You are ambitious to make so many coaster sets--but I know your coworkers will love them--we sure do like ours!
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You just gave me an idea for gifts......coasters! Thanks.
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